Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Jellyfish (disambiguation)

If had to define myself as an animal, I would define me as a jellyfish.

Why, you’re probably asking that word in mind. I’ll tell you why.

The jellyfish has a beautiful, transparent form, that you can see everything through it. But although you can see-through it, there is one thing for sure what you see is ain’t what you get! 

[The body of a Jellyfish is usually transparent, gelatinous, shaped like a cup or a bell, and nearly completely filled with water. 
Jellyfish come in various colors of various brightness. Light blue, deep blue, yellow, purple, lilac, orange red, etc - and look rather beautiful when see from afar. They glow in dark waters.]

It there, but somehow you cannot see it coming through! It is just misunderstood as me.

[Few marine creatures are as mysterious and intimidating as jellyfish. Though easily recognized, this animal is often misunderstood. Bathers and beachcombers react with fear upon encountering this invertebrate but, in fact, most jellyfish in South Carolina waters are harmless. www.seascience-series/jellyfish.html]

And as most of you know, that sometimes I might do some wacky stuffs. Brave and scared almost in the same time. Or I might spill out back the most negative stuffs. But I just play simple! What I dos or done or will dos, are just a reaction from what somebody does to me.

[The sting is usually to stun prey or attackers. It comes from the stinging threads in the Nematocysts in the Cnidoblasts. The Cnidoblasts are the cells found on the tentacles. When the tentacles last out, the venom is injected into the prey or the attacker.]

I do sting a lot. But for you know, I use most of my stings as a self-defense mechanism. Yes I admit it, sometimes people get hurt by what I said or what I have done. But I do mean no harm, it’s just me.

[Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells (cnidocytes) that can sting or kill other animals: most jellyfish use them to secure prey or as a defense mechanism.Although most jellyfish are not perniciously dangerous to humans, a few are highly toxic, such as Cyanea capillata. Regardless of the acutal toxicity of the stings, many victims find them very painful, and some individuals may have severe allergies similar to bee stings. wikipedia-Jellyfish]

Well that’s little perspective about me. Hope you don’t get my sting! 

[16 March 2007]

Gak ditanya, koq ngomong?

Siapa yang selingkuh? Mohon terima stempel permanen NAJIZ di dahinya!

Siapa yang mau mengaku, kemudian menerima stempel tersebut? Kamu? Atau teman di sebelah kamu?

Mungkin aku tidak pantas untuk menghakimi seseorang yang bisa tidak setia terhadap pasangannya (tapi semua orang mengira dirinya pantas, tidak terkecuali aku), namun aku tetap tidak setuju dengan perselingkuhan. Bukan aku suci dan tidak pernah selingkuh, namun ide itu tetap asing untuk hatiku. 

Sampai saat ini aku telah dua kali berselingkuh, dan aku mengakui perbuatan itu. Yang pertama karena pasanganku tiba – tiba menjadi non seksual dan yang kedua aku lakukan karena aku membalas dendam. Dua perselingkuhan ku terjadi dengan dua orang yang pernah menjadi pasanganku. 

Mengakui perselingkuhan. Orang bodoh sekalipun akan berpikir keras untuk tidak melakukan hal itu! Jadi, aku adalah .... ? tidak perlu dijawab!

Kulakukan semata – mata karena hatiku memberontak, dia demonstrasi besar – besaran terhadap apa yang aku lakukan dan meminta revolusi-keadilan bagi pasanganku-untuk dilaksanakan.

Revolusi terjadilah. Dan dengan pastinya hal itu membuat kenyataan gusar, serta membuyarkan idealisme – idealisme yang ada. 

Tanpa naik banding, hukuman harus kujalani karena telah korupsi dengan perasaanku. Sesal berhamburan di kepala, dengan membawa sejumlah pertanyaan MENGAPA. Sedih dan susah menjadi sahabat baik di tahanan “sebab-akibat”. Hari demi hari aku meyakini, aku tersadar akan perbuatan kejiku terhadap orang – orang (mungkin) tak berdosa. Membenahi diri, menata kesiapan untuk romansa yang akan datang.

Toh dengan segala apa yang telah terjadi, aku menjadi (semoga) dewasa. Kini dengan apa yang sudah aku lewati, aku melangkah lagi dan hatiku masih bertanya, mengapa ada selingkuh?

[10 November 2007]